Romantic Bridal Shoot for a Texas Bride

Megan, a small town Texas girl, came all the way to Clovis for her romantic bridal shoot. She is stunning in her dress, and SHE gave it the romantic look. Megan's dark hair and olive skin make her look like she's from Spain, but she's not ha. Thanks to the Underground Embassy for letting us use your awesome art gallery. It was the perfect set up for what we wanted to achieve for her romantic bridal shoot.

This shoot is featured on The Wedding Chicks!

Underground Embassy Bridal Shoot.Whitney

Whitney came down from Indiana for her bridal shoot. We went to one of the coolest places in Clovis, the Underground Embassy. It is an art gallery showcasing Drew Merritt's work and a look into his mind. It is an amazing backdrop to have for a bridal shoot and I was so thankful when they gave us permission to use their place for Whitney's session.Whitney and her husband were married in June in Snyder, Texas at the Windmill Ranch Preserve.

Whitney you were a beautiful bride the day of your bridal shoot and a beautiful one the day you got married. I love your style and the way everything turned out! I look forward to sharing your wedding with the internet world soon.

Newly Engaged Couples.Congratulations

Congratulations to all the newly engaged couples! How exciting to wake up on Christmas morning to have a proposal waiting for you. As a way to say congrats to you fabulous couples, I would like to give you an engagement session to the next three weddings that book with me.

So for the next three weddings that book with Cristy Cross Photography, you will get your engagement session on the house.

Lets meet up and talk! 575.219.9312,
