Last weekend I took a 6 hour drive to Cimarron, KS. The home of pheasant hunting-which I learned while I was there that weekend. Supposedly Bobby Knight was there hunting, too.As I drove in to the cute town of Cimarron I was greeted by the full and upbeat downtown area. The town consists of about 2,000 people, which reminded me of the town I grew up in when I was younger. I immediately feel in love with it. My adventures started in the cute town when I met up with one of my clients/friend-Aundi. (You will get to see her adorable family towards the end of this post)
The place to "meet" is at Clarks Drug store. I was so excited to see the 50 style diner set up, and then a drug store in the back with an retail store on the side. All of these three businesses wrapped up into one just screams small town, and I LOVE that. Looking at all of this refreshes my memory from my days as a little girl in Tahoka, Tx. Fond fond memories :)
So, before I make you go down memory lane with me, I'll stop there.
The first family from the [mini-sessions] is the Burns girls. So sweet, energetic and full of surprises. The mom started whispering sweet-nothing into the camera and I wasn't sure if she was talking to me, or what! It was hilarious, because mind you, this is the first time I met this family. Shannan-I so enjoyed you and your girls.

The Fugitt kids are absolutely adorable!! This was like one of the first ones we took. Perfect little children :) I'm sure mom agrees.

The Littlejohn family too was adorable. Momma has fashion flowing through her husband and kids. I love their style!
The Batman family. First off, I just want to say, what a cool last name! Ben thought so too. This little boy was full of energy and so incredibly sweet to his momma. I loved this image, because it shows their playful side and makes me think of my little man.
Okay, let me just say how much I love this girls name. Are you ready for it...Winter Kopper. I LOVE her name! And I love the locations we went to. We did a full session for them, and went to their families old house; old as in like a house that is almost 100 years old I think (I might have made that up haha), and then we went to a friends barn that had this amazing hayloft. I told Ben soon after their session that I want a hayloft. Like, I really really do. So, he is just gonna whip one up for me. Oh, and this cool hayloft has a swing and Winter showed us how it worked in her skirt. I love her carefree personality.

Here is the family that actually got me to Cimarron, KS. The Curtis family. I'm hoping Pottery Barn for kids will call me soon after seeing this image below. And then, they will call the family to see if they can use their kids as models, because they are SO cute!

They are a dairy family, so we went to the cow alley(technical terms) for part of there session. The cows were a little too busy eating and wouldn't smile. Oh well. The family on the other hand looks cute.
Before the weekend was over I also had the great opportunity to photograph the Monical family. I loved meeting them and their cutie-pie daughter. And, I love the mommas boots!