New Mexico and Texas Wedding Photographer.Lonehollow Vanderpool, TX.Tara and Trevor
/Clovis NM Wedding Photographer.Tayley and Cameron
/We did Tayley and Cameron's engagement shoot back in the Spring and they got married recently in July. I loved their session. We did something I've never done before; fly in a helicopter to our shoot destination. Cameron is a helicopter pilot with Aero Tech and a great one at that. So, it was very easy to gain access of one :) We flew to the coolest dry lake bed ever and it was windier than ever too. Tayley is so relaxed she didn't care her hair was blowing in the wind. She can do wind too I tell ya. I think it made her look even more beautiful. Word of advice for future engagement session peeps: If you want shots like I captured below, just flirt it up, be lovey dovey, and show how much you are in love. That will get you the best engagement pictures ever.
Clovis Wedding Photographer.Ali and Jeff.Engaged
/Feast your eyes on this beautiful couple...
Lubbock Texas Wedding Photographer Cristy Cross. Darden-West Wedding.Details Part One
/Laura and Clatyon were married at First Christian Church in Lubbock, Texas and reception was help at the beautiful Historic Baker Building. Florist: Celebrations Floral
Clovis New Mexico Wedding Photographer.Klisty and Duffy.Engaged
/Cameron and Tayley.New Mexico Wedding Photographer
/This evening was so much fun. First of all, I got to ride in a helicopter. Secondly, I hung out with Cameron and Tayley on a dried up lake bed, and take pictures non-stop of this lovey dovey couple. Thirdly, I got to fly the helicopter. I think I need a handle now. I was thinking of going with "Shooter". What do ya think? What else could my handle name be? Did I mention I got to fly a helicopter? A Bell 212 that is :) Don't worry folks, pilot Dave was right there beside me, watching my every move to make sure I was flying properly.
This is one of the favorites from the first part of the session. We flew to such an awesome place. Thanks Dave and Cameron for getting us there :)
I think this should be a massive 40x60 canvas on their wall.
New Mexico Photographer. Engagement Session.Duffy and Klisty
/We thought this only to be appropriate for Duffy and Klisty, with Duffy being the most coolest, most awesomest radio DJ in the eastern New Mexico area.*And if you haven't yet, go and add Rooney Moon Mix as your facebook friend.
Powdered Donuts and Benson
/Last night Ben gave Benson a powdered donut and the boy loved it. We didn't know how much until bath time. Ben was singing, and Benson was non-stop dancing for about 10 minutes. Taking breaks in between to shovel water through his legs while standing, and then to hold on the the bar in the tub to do a stomp dance. It was some of the best entrainment I've ever witnessed. Crying to the point of tears and I even got it on video. Can't show it to the public though because it contains a little nudity :)
And then today, he put on his helmet, and instantly wanted to ride is tricycle. I love that he pairs the two together. That little brain of his is ticking away with smartness.
Looking back on 2009
/I started looking back on all of my 2009 weddings and sessions and I just want to say a HUGE thank you to all of my clients and friends who supported me in 2009. I've grabbed some 30 plus favorites, but I want you to know that I have 100s. I would list all of them, but the dishes in the sink are calling my name and they HAVE to get done :)Enjoy some of my favorites from 2009 and again, thank you all so much for a blessed year.
Lindsey and Josh. Engagement Session. New Mexico Photographer
/Josh and Lindsey, you are fabulous! I mean really!! I had a wonderful time with you both.This session was full, and I mean FULL of laughs, dancing, and sweet love. Josh and Lindsey are getting married in February in Lubbock, Tx and it is going to be one AWESOME wedding!
Jon and Alicia.California Photographer
/We went to Venice Beach for Jon and Alicia's couples session. They were married Friday evening and had a small and intimate wedding and then I flew out and met up with them on Sunday for their couples session. Jon was my youth intern for our youth group at church and Alicia and I grew up at the same church. She was at one point my camp counselor :) They are very special people in general, but hold a special place in my life, which to me makes them even more special. I knew the time I had with them in California to take pictures was going to be fun and memorable mainly because Jon is so incredibly random and hilarious and Alicia is sweet and tender and laughs at everything Jon does. They have been dating on and off since I was in 8th grade. That was just about 14 years ago. They were ment to be together and the time finally came for them to be joined as one, as Mr. and Mrs. Jon Matthews. One of the things Jon told me before I arrived in Cali was, "Venice Beach is full of dirty hippies and incense. You'll love it." hahahaha. One of the highlights of Venice Beach for me was the skating park. Not skateboard skating, but in line skating. They had music turned up loud and anyone who wanted to could skate around, show of their tricks and just skate. It was so cool. Something you definitely don't see everyday. I was very intrigued and wished I had a pair of skates and enough nerve to go out and join the other skaters.
Thanks Jon and Alicia for flying me out to see you and to be apart of your first days of marriage. I hope you enjoy...
Jon and Alicia.California Style.Together 4Ever
/This is a wee bit over due and at the moment I only have one. Last Sunday I flew in to Las Angeles to photograph some wonderful friends who just got married two days before I arrived. I thought this was a great sneak peek because this picture to me just says Jon and Alica. Not just Jon or just Alicia, but the two together. On a different note... We are finally in our house and moving in all of our stuff. If you have emailed or called I will return your messages as soon as I can. Thanks for being patient and I'll post some pictures when I have a moment.
Enjoy and good night.