Experimenting with Confetti

While Liam is sleeping, Benson and I worked a little project. I've been watching a little creative live today and videographer/cinematographer, Hailey Bartholomew was showing great work playing with confetti. I wanted to try it out too. I would love to do a video of Benson and confetti, but for now I want to share the fun confetti photographs we got this afternoon. Confetti Fun with Benson taken by mommy_0067.jpg Confetti Fun with Benson taken by mommy_0068.jpg Confetti Fun with Benson taken by mommy_0069.jpg

(below) This one makes me laugh.  He looks like he is terrified of the confetti falling on him :) Confetti Fun with Benson taken by mommy_0070.jpg Confetti Fun with Benson taken by mommy_0071.jpg

His birthday is coming up soon and he will be five.  He kept saying, "Its my birthday!!", while tossing confetti in the air. Confetti Fun with Benson taken by mommy_0072.jpg